Meet The Exco

Capt. Ajmer Singh
ALPA-S President

Capt. Gan Chee Ming
Vice President Industrial
"I pledge to serve with empathy, fairness, and objectivity in my dealing, and I will be accountable to the membership."

Capt. Nirmal S
Vice President Technical
"United we stand, divided we fall."

SFO Ja'affarsiddiq S
Honorary Secretary
"Unity is strength, but without verity is no better than conspiracy."

SFO Jonathan Boon
Industrial Secretary
"There is unity in diversity, there is diversity in unity."

Capt. Edmund L
Honorary Treasurer
"We have the power to create change."

SFO Dinesh Raj
Technical Secretary
"The most dangerous phrase in the language is "we've always done it this way." - Rear Admiral Grace Hopper.

SFO Julia Ho
IFALPA Director
"Fairness, transparency and accountability."

Capt. Kenneth Tan
SQ Branch Chair
"Protect The Pillars, Embrace The New."

Capt. Andrew Lim
SQ Branch V.Chair
"Transparency, fairness and Objectivity. Active and open communication!"

SFO Mohd Rafiz
SQ Branch Secretary
"Unbiased checks and balances, members' interests are protected, a fair outcome and mutual respect"

SFO Gideon Ma
Operations Manager
"It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."

Capt. Chua Kah Hwee
InfoComm Chair
"United In Strength, Together For A Better Future."

SFO Amira Binte Mohamed Tamiri
V.Chair Strategic Communications
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much."

SFO Prasanth S
Hotel Chair
"Old Ways Don't Open New Doors."

SFO Nicholas Ng
V.Chair Hotel
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."

SFO Nicholas Ng
A350 Fleet Rep
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."

Capt. Andrew Lim
A380 Fleet Rep
"Transparency, fairness and Objectivity. Active and open communication!"

Capt. Chua Kah Hwee
B737 Fleet Rep
"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities."

FO Ken Chew
B744F Fleet Rep
"To Serve, In Tandem and Unity."

SFO Trent Lai
B777 Fleet Rep
"Effective service requires diligence and thoughtfulness. Honourable representation requires transparency and trust."

Capt. Nickolas Lagouros
B787 Fleet Rep
"Consider carefully, then act with resolve."

Capt. Nicholas Chong
EXCO Member
"Representing you does not equate to deciding for you."
Run for the Association today
Air Line Pilots Association Singapore
720 Upper Changi Road East
SIA Training Centre, SIN-STC-01C Singapore 486852
Tel: +65 6545 0207